What is HCI and what is its field ?

Human computer interaction (HCI) is an interdisciplinary field in which computer scientists, engineers, psychologists, social scientists, and design professionals play important roles. The main aim of HCI is to solve real problems in the design and use of technology, devices, software and any other type of device, user use in their everyday life, by  making them easier to use and more effective for people. It is critical to the success of any systems that people will interact (Wania et al, 2007). There are different HCI principles; however the most followed are the (Rogers et al., 2015).

  • Visibility
  • Feedback
  • Constraint
  • Consistency
  • Affordance

They provide the basic steps that should be taken in consideration; thus the system or device that will be made from different members and specialist in order to be successfully and enjoyable for the users (Carroll, n.d). Moreover there are some user experiences that should be taken also very deep and 
serious. They are:

  •  Effectives (be effective and do the task right)
  •  Efficiency(be efficient and do the task on time)
  •  Safety(to be safe)
  • Utility(be able to be used anywhere and anytime)
  •  Learnability(easy to learn)
  •  Memorability(easy to remember and recognize)(Rogers et al., 2015) 

All of the above are very important and have only one purpose; the satisfaction of the user. This should be the only aim that all the members in the line of process and making of the device or software, must to have in their mind as an objective, therefore any mistakes and problems are immediately find and resolved, and try to satisfied as much as possible any extra needs the users could have.

Figure 1: HCI members involved in a making of any system or device (Singh, 2015).

List of References:
Wania, E., Atwood, M., McCain, K.(2007). Mapping the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), [Online] Available at : http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/meet.14504301233/pdf [Accessed on]: 9/10/17
Carroll, J. (n.d), The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd Ed., [Online] Available at : https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/book/the-encyclopedia-of-human-computer-interaction-2nd-ed/human-computer-interaction-brief-intro [Accessed on]: 9/10/17
Singh, M. (2015), Human computer interaction, [Online] Available at: https://www.slideshare.net/mayureshsingh33/human-computer-interaction-48293647 [Accessed on]: 9/10/17
Rogers, Y., Preece, J., Sharp, H. (2015). Interaction Design: Beyond Human-computer Interaction. 4th Edition. Wiley.


  1. Hello Valeri, can you please tell me why is the Computer scientist important for the field of HCI?

    1. Hello Demetra, it is crucial for the Computer scientist to have knowledge in the field of HCI because in the end of the day, they are the people that play a big part of the making of the product; therefore any little mistake could be avoided.

  2. Hello Valeri, i was curious enough to notice what you said above, and i quote "...therefore any mistakes and problems are immediately find and resolved". Could you please tell me how are any problems noticed and by whom?

    1. For sure Christopher it is my pleasure to answer to any difficult as well as interesting questions in the topic of HCI. What i meant was that the computer scientists have to know the basic at least principles; therefore an example that CS can avoid is if a product is made and the way of interacting with the product is via command line or code expressions. The normal user without knowledge will not be able to use it and as a result it will not be successful.

  3. Greetings Valeri! Very interesting blog of you. Could you please provide an answer to my question: Is HCI an ongoing process? From a product's lifespan point of view, should HCI be terminated by the time a product enters a market and why?

    1. Actually it is a very interesting question, in my opinion HCI should not be terminated because the specific product should be if it is possible to be ungraded and improved in the time after it enters the market, so the users could enjoy it even more.

  4. Hello Valeri, you mentioned above that there are different HCI principles, could you list a few of them and tell me if using any other principle will do instead of following the 5 you listed above. Thanks you.

    1. For sure Christos. The other 2 most popular are:

      The Shneiderman’s 8 golden rules

      • Permit easy reversal of actions
      • Offer informative feedback
      • Offer simple error handling
      • Strive for consistency
      • Reduce short-term memory load
      • Enable frequent users to use shortcuts
      • Design dialog to yield closure
      • Support internal locus of control


      The Nielsen Norman Group

      • Visibility of system status
      • Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
      • Error prevention
      • Consistency and standards
      • Flexibility and efficiency of use
      • User control and freedom
      • Match between system and the real world
      • Help and documentation
      • Recognition rather than recall
      • Aesthetic and minimalist design

      As a conclusion any of the 3 choices that designers can use are effective and efficient; therefore it is not a problem.

  5. Good day Valeri, could you please answer my question? What is the difference between usability goals and user experience? Thank you in advance!

    1. The usability goals have to to with the product meaning that it is effective, efficient, safe, memorable, learn able and to have a utility. On the other hand the user experience are all the emotions that the user have throughout each step from buying the product to receiving it and use it.


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